Why should a person not become self-disciplined by controlling their emotions and behavior?

nilesh jaybhaye
1 min readJul 5, 2021

This is good question and this is always been asked by those people usually ,who are suffering from -some psychological disorder or some psychiatric illness

So , answer for this question is,,, — Person cant be self disciplined by oneself to control one’s emotions and behavior

As ,mnetally disturb person- lacks necessary emotional intelligence on first hand — to understand oneself & others , then how such person is expected to to self disciplined one’s emotions

And ,if such person would be that much capable to control oneself , then on first hand ,that person will not be slave of his own uncontrolled emotions and behavior , by possessing necessary insight for oneself and existence of oneself.

That is Why — One need external help (from Psychologist or Psychiatrist) when one start loosing control on one’s emotions or behavior from time to time.

From :Dr Nilesh K Jaybhaye
Originally published at

