How does One Can Increase Stamina?

nilesh jaybhaye
2 min readJul 5, 2021

How do I increase my stamina. I exercise only for 15 mins and then think just leave it and get demotivated and tired. Is it due to lack of motivation or what? I wanted to exercise for longer period . What should I do?

Remember the Top secret of Stamina “ — Stamina — ” is related -to your breathing capacity & capability.

And breathing is best done by — nose and not by mouth

so keep your mouth close, while exercising, and learn to breathe only through the nose, with any level of need to breathe,

Then learn to use your abdominal muscle to breathe, as abdominal breathing is deep breathing,

Then to breathe more one needs to tighten pelvic floor muscles, to do this, one need to tighten one’s buttock muscles,

So to strengthen buttocks muscles, there is a need to — do some 20–30 sit up’s daily until stamina start improving

So add — sit-ups, in your daily exercise routine, to strengthen your buttock muscle & hence pelvic floor , if you want to -increase Stamina,

Finally, remember, the stamina of your body is overall well functioning of your entire body, and one needs to focus on well working of the entire body to -Restore or to add Extra Stamina,

From :- Dr Nilesh K Jaybhaye

